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1% Behind: Will Harris’s Weak Messaging Let Trump Rewrite Democracy?

1% Behind: Will Harris’s Weak Messaging Let Trump Rewrite Democracy?

  • As Harris struggles to craft a compelling message, the risk grows that Trump could capitalize on her communication gaps, reshaping the 2024 election narrative and steering the country in a direction that challenges the current political norms
Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris’s campaign has been characterized by a persistent focus on her underdog status despite polls showing her narrowing the gap with Donald Trump in key battleground states like Michigan and Georgia. This messaging strategy, focusing on trailing Trump by a slim 1-2%, risks undermining her candidacy by portraying her as reactive rather than confident. As a Politico article points out, Harris’s team continues to lean into this narrative, with her campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon stating that, despite competitive polling, the campaign is still running “with the mindset of a campaign running from behind”. This persistent underdog framing may work against Harris by reinforcing a perception of weakness, even as she gains ground.

While Harris’s campaign has raised a substantial $540 million, dwarfing Trump’s $137 million in July, and has invested heavily in ground operations with over 312 offices in battleground states, the messaging has yet to fully capitalize on this momentum. Instead, Harris should pivot to projecting confidence in her leadership abilities, emphasizing her policy achievements and her readiness to govern, rather than focusing on the narrow polling gap that only fuels a narrative of struggle.

The urgency of shifting her messaging becomes even more critical as Democrats continue to frame the 2024 election as a fight for the preservation of democracy. President Biden has repeatedly emphasized that democracy itself is on the ballot, noting that Trump’s actions, particularly his attempts to overturn the 2020 election and his continued attacks on democratic institutions, pose an existential threat. “Is democracy still America’s sacred cause?» Biden asked during a campaign event in January 2024, directly framing the election as a battle to protect democratic governance. This is a message Harris could amplify, helping her resonate more with voters who are concerned about Trump’s potential return to power and the implications for democratic norms. Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign focuses on aggressive, populist messaging around economic recovery, border control, and national security. His team has held numerous rallies in key states like Michigan, where his rhetoric around “taking America back” continues to galvanize his base. However, his legal troubles and divisive communication style, while energizing his core supporters, may alienate moderate voters who are concerned with governance and stability.

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To effectively counter Trump’s ground game, Harris must stop portraying herself as the underdog and start emphasizing her strengths, both in policy and leadership. By aligning more closely with the Democrats’ overarching message about the threats to democracy and clearly outlining her plans for immediate action on critical issues like immigration and the economy, Harris can shift from being reactive to proactive. Her massive fundraising and ground game give her the resources to do so, but the narrative needs to evolve quickly to avoid reinforcing the perception that she’s struggling to catch up. Without this shift, Trump’s assertive campaign could maintain its advantage in key states, leaving Harris in a position of defensive campaigning rather than leading with confidence.

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