A Quick Reference To Blockchain’s Technical Terminology
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies in plain English. Discover how blockchain works and the parts that constitute a block.
Retail AI: Integrating Human Emotion Inside ML Algorithms
Companies are seeking to embed a critical element in machine learning, Human Insight. Emotions, as part of human…
Blockchain, ICOs For Early Stage Startup Funding
Many entrepreneurs begin fleshing out the details of a new service or product with personal funds, taking on…
3 Proven Ways To Generate Relevant Traffic For Your Beauty Brand (With Metrics)
Relevant content is good, but making your content relevant is more powerful. A small beauty company was failing online, and competition from big brands was heating up.
2021: Top 5 Technology Trends
2020 was a big year for tech companies. Together, the five largest companies in technology, including Apple, Alphabet (Google), Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft, comprised 37% of the S&P 500’s total gains and we’re on track to spend as much as $3.4 trillion on digital services in 2020.
Why Voice Tech Is The Future Of Human-Computer Interaction
Voice Technology is Getting Personal. Not since the smartphone have we seen such adoption. Voice Tech is taking…
5 Workforce Diversity Myths Debunked
As a diverse team, our collective strength and value arise from our varied backgrounds, beliefs, experiences, and talents.…
7 Ingredients Of A Successful Corporate Venture Studio
This article provides a blueprint on how senior leadership at a corporation should think when launching a Venture Studio.
Top 3 Venture Studio Models Targeting Startups
Here we provide a brief analysis and a general introduction to the alternative forms of investment happening in the venture-building landscape and an overview of the various types of venture studios in the market.
What Is A Venture Studio?
Venture Studios share resources, such as teams, partnerships, and capital with the startup. They're called Startup Studios in Silicon Valley
The Ultimate Pitch Deck For Your Startup
A stellar pitch deck can both fire up investors and help you understand your potential investors better. Think…
How are startup studios different?
Here we provide an overview of how Venture Studios link venture capital firms, incubators, and accelerators. Also, we provide an outline of their primary differences.
How Do Venture Studios Work?
Venture Studios could be the answer we've been looking for.
An Agile Methodology for Product Development
It’s easy to forget the apps as we know them didn’t exist a decade ago. The Apple App…
From Seed to Success: Bridging the Gap Between Founders and Investors
Investors have money to spend. Founders need money to operate. How hard could it possibly be to get these two groups together? As it turns out, getting them together is not the problem.
Startups: How To Increase Efficiency
Take heart and take heed. If you are starting a business or joining an early-stage startup, you are envied by 4 out of 10 working Americans who say they wish they could live your life. Another recent study found that nearly 2 out of 3 millennials dream of becoming entrepreneurs. You can take that as a vote of encouragement or a warning of future competition.
SEO: Guía para editar y optimizar contenido de alta calidad
Cada nivel de edición y optimización del contenido es relevante. Con esta guía parte de cero y llega…
Nominaciones al Oscar: Mexicana Rocío López es parte de los votantes
Rocío López, cineasta mexicana, votante en las nominaciones a los premios Oscar, productora y vestuarista en cortometrajes y…
Chef Abraham Tamez y su magia culinaria
En la primera entrevista con Abraham Tamez, conocimos su lado más humano, abrió su corazón para contarnos de…
Emma Ramos, actriz mexicana
Divertida, conmovedora, enigmática, bilingüe, multicultural… conoce a Emma Ramos. Ella es actriz, comediante y escritora de scketch. Emma deseaba cantar y actuar y ese impulso la llevo a dejar su comodidad y “vida perfecta” en México, para irse a Nueva York a estudiar, luchar y ganarse un lugar en el mundo de la actuación.
Chef Tamez cocina con pasión y una buena pizca de rebeldía
La gastronomía en Los Cabos está definiendo el arte culinario en México y el mundo. Sus tendencias culinarias…
Monitorean Coronavirus con Inteligencia Artificial (2020)
En este episodio le damos voz al equipo de latinos que monitorean en tiempo real al coronavirus usando…
COVID19 Tracker: Técnicos latinos luchando contra Coronavirus
Esto es lo más interesante Un grupo de tecnicos Latino Americanos construye un sito para rastrear y predecir…
Cid Vela, La Galatzia: «Nunca trabajé pues sólo hice lo que me gusta»
Cid Vela creó Killer Pollo, y La Galatzia los cuales son personajes de culto en la cultura pop Mexicana. Conversamos con Cid acerca de su siguiente etapa artística.