
Descubre el ecosistema Startup: vocabulario, levantamiento de capital, emprendimiento y éxito. Aprende aquí todo lo necesario.

Portada Perfekto

Perfekto: Startup mexicana combate el desperdicio alimenticio en CDMX

Perfekto startup que busca reducir el desperdicio de alimentos en México; ofreciendo un servicio de suscripción de frutas y verduras «imperfectas» a precios accesibles. Logró levantar US$ 125,000 en capital semilla por Y Combinator.

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5 Países lideran la inversión Venture Capital en LATAM 2020-2021

Latinoamérica a tenido un boom en Venture Capital, abriendo camino a nuevas startups. Conoce los principales países inversionistas de LatAm 2020.

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Los 6 inversionistas de riesgo (VCs) más interesantes de LatAm

El venture capital crece a pasos agigantados en LatAm, impulsando el surgimiento de más startups. Conoce a 6 inversionistas a riesgo (VCs) que están marcando la pauta en la región.

portada unicornios latam

Unicornios latinoamericanos: Las 17 startups más valiosas de Latam

Startups de LatAm están creciendo aceleradamente. Tras la pandemia y el acercamiento a la tecnología, muchas alcanzaron el estatus de «unicornio». Conoce 17 Startups unicornio de Latinoamérica.


¿Cómo crear una Startup en América Latina?

Ser emprendedor es absorbente, por eso hicimos la tarea un poco más fácil para ti. Durante 6 meses investigamos, entrevistamos a expertos en startups; y validamos los puntos clave de qué es y cómo funciona una startup.

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8 mujeres creando startups en Latam

Conoce a 8 mujeres en Startups latinoamericanas, revolucionando cómo hacer negocios, desarrollar tecnología e interactuar con usuarios.

Portada 8 women in Latam startups

8 Women Revolutionizing Startups in Latin America

Meet 8 women at the forefront of Latin American Startups, revolutionizing how to do business, develop technology and interact with users.

Stanford University Latino entrepeneurship

The State of Latino Entrepreneurship in 2021 According To Stanford

Stanford University has created an initiative to promote Latino entrepreneurship in the United States by providing useful information for decision-making. Learn about the results of the Stanford study.

Latino Business

Crecimiento Explosivo: Emprendimientos Latinos en Stanford 2021

Stanford University creó una iniciativa para impulsar los emprendimientos latinos en E.E.U.U. a través de la información. Conoce los resultados del estudio de Stanford.

Every business depends

How To Scale Customer Support?

Surely, there are more than just 7 customer support KPIs out there. However, these 7 are the most important ones to measure, and track. By utilizing these metrics, you can see your company’s customer support lacks and possibly improve your team’s performance.


How To Build An MVP

How to build a Minimum Viable Product in 7 easy steps. Consolidated Silicon Valley expertise supported by Startup Genome data.

El poder está literalmente en nuestras manos2

5 Things Startups And Social Justice Movements Have In Common

How do we go from «moment» to movement? Read the five fundamentals that increase engagement and mobilization using the power of the Internet.

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¿Qué son KPIs y cómo usarlos?

Los KPIs son indispensables en el desarrollo y funcionamiento de tu empresa. Conócelos, aprende como definirlos e implementarlos con esta práctica guía.

Blue and Red Motivational Quotes Blog Banner

Yachay University: Ecuador’s Tech Dream On Pause

I’m from Ecuador, and my professional career happened in Silicon Valley, and nothing would make…

cookies strategy

Selling Cookies Was Hard. Here’s What I Learned at 11 Years Old

When I was 11, I made 12 cookie bags and I wanted to sell them to students at Stanford. Easy as pie, I thought. Little did I know that it is much harder than that. I did it but I had to iterate a lot and improvise on the spot.

Cuando innovas tienes que estar preparado para que la gente te diga que estás loco

How A 100-Year-Old Family Business Embraced Digital Transformation

These are lessons from a Digital Transformation across 20+ locations, 500 employees, and millions of dollars in revenue. Read on to find out how we beat their competitors with technology. We worked closely with management to make Digital part of their core processes.

Tangelo encuentra el corazón emocional

Startup Video Goes Viral And Product Sales Grow 10X [Case Study]

At the end of the eight-week campaign, Giroptic’s performance at Facebook F8 was covered in some of the most influential technology publications such as TechCrunch, WIRED, and Forbes.

Are you looking to set up a Venture Studio2

7 Ingredients Of A Successful Corporate Venture Studio

This article provides a blueprint on how senior leadership at a corporation should think when launching a Venture Studio.

Tangelo Technologies

Top 3 Venture Studio Models Targeting Startups

Here we provide a brief analysis and a general introduction to the alternative forms of investment happening in the venture-building landscape and an overview of the various types of venture studios in the market.

venture studio

What Is A Venture Studio?

Venture Studios share resources, such as teams, partnerships, and capital with the startup. They’re called Startup Studios in Silicon Valley

The Ultimate Pitch Deck For Your Startup

The Ultimate Pitch Deck For Your Startup

A stellar pitch deck can both fire up investors and help you understand your potential…

Trends in Tech LinkedIn Post Header 1

How are startup studios different?

Here we provide an overview of how Venture Studios link venture capital firms, incubators, and accelerators. Also, we provide an outline of their primary differences.

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Startups: ¿Por qué es bueno compartir tu idea?

Startups: Cuando diseñes tu idea por primera vez, hazla de cartón. Aprende rápido de las fallas y a bajo costo, así podrá despegar tu cohete más rápido.


How Do Venture Studios Work?

Venture Studios could be the answer we’ve been looking for.

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¿Qué es salió a la bolsa el pasado 20 de noviembre y lidera el mercado de inteligencia artificial empresarial.


How To Create A Cap Table For Your Startup With Examples

Learn how to create a cap table for your startup with examples. A capitalization table is important when raising capital, and hiring.

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Traveling on a cardboard rocket: start & stumblings of a Startup

Lessons from a Startup newbie, you may think you have a one million idea but only the one who launched it owns it.

From Seed to Success: Bridging the Gap Between Founders and Investors

Investors have money to spend. Founders need money to operate. How hard could it possibly be to get these two groups together? As it turns out, getting them together is not the problem.

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Startups: How To Increase Efficiency

Take heart and take heed. If you are starting a business or joining an early-stage startup, you are envied by 4 out of 10 working Americans who say they wish they could live your life. Another recent study found that nearly 2 out of 3 millennials dream of becoming entrepreneurs. You can take that as a vote of encouragement or a warning of future competition.


¿Qué es Palantir? Startup valorada en US$18,000 millones

La hermética compañía de análisis de datos considerada el gran espía del gobierno de Estados Unidos.