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Every level of content editing and optimization is relevant. With this guide, you will start from zero to reaching thousands of visits, positioning articles on the first Google page, and getting their algorithms to select your content as a reference, in record time. The process consists of three levels: 1. Selection of the topic and structure, 2. SEO, use of the Yoast tool, 3. Research and addition of data.
Level 1 | Topic selection and article structure
Write about topics that add value to existing information on the internet, solving specific searches. Direct your efforts toward the future, leaving the past behind. To reach the first level, read this article carefully: 8 keys to attracting 6,000 million daily Google searches optimizing your content.
Select a useful topic
Write about topics you are fluent in, passionate about, or have learned something about. Your knowledge and experiences can be useful to other people. Share them in an article.
Define the structure for SEO writing
Pay attention to the structure of the article. Create a template that is easy to read; to avoid distracting attention from the content. Success is in optimized details: a good title, supported by clear subtitles, supporting the theme, ensuring each paragraph is interesting, including the correct internal and external links, describing the images appropriately, and using active and concise language.
Develop in-depth content
Decide what portion of the selected topic will be developed in your article. Not all history is interesting; choose the most relevant part and write about it. If it is a long topic, divide it into 2 or more articles; to then go deeper into each one. Knowledge must be uncovered. Nobody wants to waste their time reading just wordiness baseless.
Level 2 | Essential elements for powerful SEO
Use the Yoast tool to help you reach a good level of optimization. Do not omit any element; optimize each area of your article, and you will automatically improve the content ranking in Google.
Excerpt or Abstract
An abstract is a brief and descriptive narration of the article. Use it as marketing to intrigue, and hook the reader. Use your keywords in two sentences maximum.
Meta description
Within the space of SEO analysis, there is an area to develop the meta description. It is a brief description of the article, with a maximum of 156 characters. It appears when Google shows your content.
Yoast SEO
On WordPress, you will find Yoast SEO at the end of the document. This tool indicates the level of optimization achieved and areas for improvement. Some elements are Focus key phrase, SEO title, slug, meta description, key phrase synonym, readability, and outline. Go from red light to green to complete the optimization.
Yoast tables
Normally, Google prefers to display these blocks on the first page. Use as many as you want. There are three types of blocks:
- Internal linking [related links and table of contents]
- Location SEO [map, address, and schedule]
- Structured data [estimated reading time, practical guide, questions, and answers]
Level 3 | Investigation and additional data
Extend the topic with strong and relevant data, ensuring the content piece has adequate depth. This is key to positioning content as a reference in searches on specific topics.
Research data that reinforces the information
Knowledge and experience need to be portrayed, plus adding useful data for the reader. You don’t need to know everything. Use the knowledge of others on the same topic and turn your article into optimized content.
Search for sources that talk about the same topic
Give greater veracity and support to the information. Join forces with other internet users who write about the topic of interest. Share the credit with them and add value to the content you share. There is a special section for sources below the Yoast box. Use it with 7 or 10 links. Google will reward you for optimizing your content.
Turn charts into guides
A guide forces us to go into detail. Start with a chart as a base and turn it into a practical guide; add value, and the user can act with the guidance offered.
Optimize your URL
The URL automatically takes the words used in the title, so take your time optimizing it. A simple and basic one will attract more traffic.
Review queries and optimizes the content again
Connecting your website with the Google Analytics and Google Search Console tools is essential. Monitor the impact of your content, and review the queries users use to reach your articles. Based on this, optimize again and sharpen your aim.