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What happened in WWDC 2024? Apple Intelligence, iOs 18 and Elon Musk

What happened in WWDC 2024? Apple Intelligence, iOs 18 and Elon Musk

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On June 10, Apple revealed its new updates at WWDC 2024. The company presented its approach to artificial intelligence and announced the new devices on the market, including everything from iOS 18 to the latest macOS to iPadOS, watchOS, and tvOS.

Apple and the Fusion with Artificial Intelligence

Apple again listened to its users, giving them the change they wanted so badly—something more relevant to their lives. The company finally gained ground on the subject and changed the vision of its iOS 18 software. Thus, it marks a new era for technology, as Apple will be making one of the most significant updates in its history by integrating OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

What will change with ChatGPT?

Apple pointed out new features, including access to generative writing, imaging, personalized emojis, an improved mail app that can categorize emails, automatic transcription of voice memos, third-party API tools, and the massive update coming to Siri.

Even though Apple took a while to develop artificial intelligence, it has worked hard to keep up with everything. 

Apple Intelligence will not be available to everyone.

Although many people were excited about Apple’s news, only some things were perfect. Apple Intelligence will only be available for iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPad and Mac models with the Apple M1 chip or later. 

Siri has its most significant update ever.

Finally, Siri will get the makeover it needs. IA will empower Siri by making it more intelligent and more capable. Not only will it have new visuals, but it will also have a new brain. Siri will use all the knowledge of ChatGPT, which will be integrated directly into the virtual assistant to generate content and get responses.

Additionally, your device will show you when it uses OpenAI technology with a glowing light around the edges of your iPhone’s screen.

Siri will become your new best friend. It will understand and respond more naturally, making interactions feel more human-like.

What is the impact of ChatGPT integration on iOS?

Overall, the integration of ChatGPT into Apple’s new operating system promises to enhance user experience, productivity, and accessibility while raising important considerations around privacy and security. Indeed, it positions Apple to solidify its leadership in the tech industry, effectively providing these challenges once again.

Elon Musk says he will ban Apple devices with OpenAI.

What seemed to be a great day for Apple, the headlines turned to the words of Elon Musk, who said that he would ban Apple devices that use OpenAI in their operating system of his companies. He argues that integrating artificial intelligence at that level is an «unacceptable security violation.»

The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX said on X that «Apple has no clue what’s going on once they hand your data over to OpenAI.»

Apple talks about privacy and security

However, Apple said, «Privacy protections are built for users who access ChatGPT.» The company also remarked that it had created AI with a focus on the privacy and security of its users with Private Cloud computing. The AI ​​will be able to understand users’ data but will not use or process it.

Apple ensures that Private Cloud Compute «extends the industry-leading protections of iPhone to the cloud, so users don’t have to choose between powerful intelligence grounded in their personal context and strong privacy protections.» The company also created new features to protect phones in sensitive areas. 

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Apple Intelligence expects to rely on the cloud for some tasks, though the company prioritizes on-device processing for enhanced privacy.

Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering, explained: «We’ve extended iPhone’s industry-leading security to the cloud, with what we believe is the most advanced security architecture ever deployed for cloud AI at scale. Private Cloud Compute uses your data only to fulfill your request, and never stores it, making sure it’s never accessible to anyone, including Apple. And we’ve designed the system so that independent experts can verify these protections.»

What are people saying about Apple updates?

On the other hand, Apple users have had a range of reactions to the news of integrating AI into the new iOS of their devices. While some people are excited about this innovation and optimistic about AI helping them automate routine tasks, others are worried about their overdependence on it. 

At the same time, many users are also concerned about how their data will be used. Although Apple’s firm stance on privacy gives them some reassurance, they remain cautious about the implications of more AI integration.

The sentiment generally leans towards cautious optimism, with users anxious to see how these advancements will translate into real-world benefits.

Although Apple strives to secure the AI features through several mechanisms, people still need to decide. Will the fear of the IA having access to our data make users decide to walk away?

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