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Joe Biden’s Pledge To The Latino Community Explained

Joe Biden’s Pledge To The Latino Community Explained

Election 2020 Joe Biden Latinos

Reforming the Immigration System

Time and time again in his rallies, Biden expressed his aversion towards the way the Trump administration was handling immigration in today’s America. About the absurd amount of children in cages and the various migrant detention camps running all across the southern part of the United States, he’s said that «all the people asking for asylum deserve to be heard and given a fair chance of making a life in America.» To him, the United States is a nation that says, «if you want to flee and you’re fleeing oppression, you should come,» not be apprehended and pulled apart from your children or family. To make this happen, he will increase the number of immigration judges and asylum officers at the border. 

Joe Biden Latinos 2020 1 1
Joe Biden Latinos 2020 1 1

His efforts to increase legal immigration will review every temporary protected status (T.P.S.) application that was not accepted by the Trump Administration, mainly focusing on those from Venezuelan individuals. T.P.S. is currently given to citizens from the following ten countries: Yemen, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Syria, mainly because these countries are experiencing some kind of civil unrest, an environmental disaster, a health pandemic, or other unlivable temporary conditions. Venezuela is not included in the list of countries despite the current economic turmoil the country is experiencing.  
Not to be forgotten, he will also provide a pathway to citizenship for 690,000 to 800,000 DREAMERS (counting everyone who is currently enrolled and who has obtained protection from the program in the past seven years of its existence). Additionally, if elected, he also plans on making D.A.C.A. permanent on «day one» of his presidency to allow for more applications to come in from individuals who were not initially able to apply.

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